Sundarakanda is an upcoming Indian Telugu Language drama and romantic film. This film is Directed by Venkatesh Nimmalapudi and Produced by Santosh Chinnapolla, Gautam Reddy, and Rakesh Mahankal and the music of the movie has been given by Leon James. In this movie you will get to see actors like Rohit nara, Sri devi vijay kumar, Vriti vaghani, Naresh vijaya krishna, Vasuki anand , Comedian Satya, Ajay , VTV Ganesh, Abhinav Gomatham, Viswant , Rupa lakshmi , Sunaina , Raghu babu , Amrutham Vasu , Adhurs Raghu.
Sundarakanda Genre
The genre of the film is drama and romantic.
Cast Of Sundarakanda
Rohit nara
Sri devi vijay kumar
Vriti vaghani
Naresh vijaya krishna
Sundarakanda Budget
₹ 2 Crore (estimated)
For a sneak peak, you can watch the official teaser here:
Sundarakanda Storyline
Talking about the storyline of the film, the story revolves around a man who is born under the Moola Nakshatra and faces constant bad luck and failed relationships. He wants a partner who lives up to his expectations and his strict expectations make the situation even more difficult. Then, one day he likes a girl who has all the qualities he wants. Now will the woman accept him, and will he be able to win her heart? For this you will have to watch the movie.
When and where to watch
This movie will be released in all theaters on 7 February 2025 .Talking about the performance of the actors, everyone has performed very well.