Hyena is an upcoming kannada action, crime and thriller film directed and produced by Venkat Bharadwaj. The star cast of the film includes Venkat Bharadwaj, Lakshman Shivashankar, Harsh Arjun and Abhishek Iyengar. The music in the film is given by Lovv Pran Mehta.
Hyena Genre
The genre of the film is action, crime and thriller.
Hyena Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 2 Crore.
Hyena Storyline
As of now, specific details about its storyline have not been publicly disclosed but through various sources it is clear that the story revolves around a failed terror attack attempt in three cities, the National Investigation Agency deploys the special Hyena Squad.
Hyena: The Deadly Squad is a thrilling action thriller that salutes the bravery and fearless struggle of India’s protectors.
As the release date is approaching, more information about the story can be revealed from the promotional material of the film.
Hyena box office Collection
“Hyena” can perform brilliantly at the box office. Full of action, crime and thrill, this film will force the audience to stick to their seats.
Day | Collected (in crores) |
Day 1 | 0.05 crore |
Day 2 | |
Day 3 | |
Day 4 | |
Day 5 | |
Day 6 | |
Total Collection | 0.05 crore |