Hathya is an upcoming Indian Telugu Language Crime, drama and Thriller film. This film is written and Directed by Srividya Basawa and Produced by S Prashanth Reddy and the music of the movie has been given by Naresh Kumaran P. In this movie you will get to see actors like Ravi Varma, Pooja Ramachandran, Dhanya Balakrishna.
Hathya Genre
The genre of the film is Crime, drama and thriller.
Cast Of Hathya
Ravi Varma
Pooja Ramachandran
Dhanya Balakrishna
Hathya Budget
₹ 2 Crore (estimated)
For a sneak peak, you can watch the official teaser here:
Hathya Storyline
Talking about the story line of the film, when J.C. Dharmendra Reddy, a powerful politician of the Telugu state, is brutally murdered in his house, then fearless police officer Sudha decides to solve the case herself. During the investigation, she gets entangled in a web of secrets, deceptions and lies. Now whether Sudha will be able to find out the truth, you will have to watch the movie to know this.
When and where to watch
This movie will be released in all theaters on 24 January 2025 .Talking about the performance of the actors, everyone has performed very well.