Shiva Shambho is an upcoming Indian Telugu Language Horror film. This film is written and Directed by Renigunta Narsing and produced by Suguna Doraveti and Bojja Raja Gopal and the music of this movie has been given by Doravethi Chennayya. In this movie you will get to see actors like Tanikella Bharani, Suman, Vijaya Rangarajan, Krishna Islavath, Keshavardhini Saraswathi, Doravethi Chennayya.
Cast of Shiva Shambho
Tanikella Bharani
Vijaya Rangarajan
Krishna Islavath
Keshavardhini Saraswathi
Doravethi Chennayya
Shiva Shambho Budget
₹2 crore (estimated)
Shiva Shambho Storyline
This is the story of a family living a peaceful and happy life in the serene village of Durgam Cheruvu but their lives are thrown into trouble when old secrets and dark forces resurface and threaten their harmony. As the dark forces and sinister plans grow, their adopted daughter Shambhavi, a devotee of Lord Shiva, becomes the ray of hope for all.
Will Shambhavi’s devotion and faith prevail over the evil forces?
When and where to watch
This film is going to have an equal dose of suspense, family drama and horror. This movie will be released on 3 January 2025.