Sangee is an upcoming Indian hindi Language Comedy, drama film. This film is Directed by Sumit Kulkarni and Produced by Rohhan Bhosale, Arun Prabhudesai, Pintu Saw, Monica Prabhudesai, Pratik Thakur, Sumit Kulkarni and the music of this movie has been given by Manoj More, Prajwal yadav. In this movie you will get to see actors like Sharib Hashmi, Sanjay Bishnoi, Shyamraj Patil, Vidya Malvade, Gaurav More.
Sangee Genre
The genre of the film is Comedy, drama.
Cast Of Sangee
Sharib Hashmi
Sanjay Bishnoi
Shyamraj Patil
Vidya Malvade
Gaurav More
Sangee Budget
₹ 2 Crore (estimated)
For a sneak peak, you can watch the official teaser here:
Sangee Storyline
Talking about the story of the film, the film revolves around a person named Baman. Baman goes to meet his old school friends, this can also be called a mission because he can get a loan without interest, but this time his friends have already made up their mind that this time they will not fall into his trap. Comedy, dialogues and friendship have been shown very well in the film. Now will Baman be able to convince them to listen to him, or will he have to face a no? Now for this you will have to watch the movie.
When and where to watch
This movie will be released in all theaters on 17 January 2025 .Talking about the performance of the actors, everyone has performed very well.