Rudhra Garuda Purana is an upcoming thriller drama written and directed by K. S. Nandeesh starring Rishi and Priyanka in the lead roles. The film is produced by Ashwin Vijaylohit. The music in the film is given by KP whereas lyrics are of Manju Mandavya, Chinmay Bhavikerie, Kinnal Raj & Pramod Maravanthe.
Rudhra Garuda Purana Cast
Priyanka Kumar M
Vinod Alva
Prabhakar Boregowda
Rudhra Garuda Purana Genre
The genre of the film is Thriller.
Rudhra Garuda Purana Date of Release
The film is scheduled for release on January 24, 2025.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official teaser below:
Rudhra Garuda Purana Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 2 Crore.
Rudhra Garuda Purana Storyline
Manu, the son of a minister, suddenly disappears after college ends. Officer Rudra is assigned to investigate the case. Rudra finds out that Manu was secretly traveling in a BMTC bus with his girlfriend Katyayani. However, things get complicated when Rudra learns that the bus he was traveling in was destroyed in a terrible accident 25 years ago. Now the question arises, how is this bus running again and where has Manu disappeared?
Other Crew Members
Sandeep Kumar (DOP)
Manu Shedgar (Editor)
Raghu Niduvalli (Dialogue)
Mass Mada, Bande Chandru & Arjun Raj (Stunt Directors)
Bala Master (Choreographer)
H. K. Kantharaju (Makeup)
Pooja Nandeesh (Costume Designer)