Oporichito is an upcoming Bengali mystery, psychological and thriller film directed by Joydeep Mukherjee starring Ritwick Chakraborty, Anirban Chakrabarti, Ishaa Saha, Saheb Bhattacharjee, kamleswar Mukherjee, Priya Karfa & Isador Baccon.
Oporichito Genre
The genre of the film is mystery psychological and thriller.
Oporichito Budget
₹5 Crore (estimated)
For a sneak peak, you can watch the official teaser here:
Oporichito Storyline
As of now specific details about its story line have not been publicly disclosed but through the trailer it is clear that the story revolves around a man who has survived a horrific attack. He wakes up with shattered memories and is unable to recognise his wife. This raises questions about the identity of a strange and mysterious woman and forces him to investigate a mystery that could destroy his entire life.
Oporichito box Office Collection day 1
Talking about the box office collection of this film, this film can earn around Rs 60 lakhs ( estimated) on the very first day. And along with this the performance of the actors is also amazing.