Nimma Vasthugalige Neeve Javaabdaararu is a kannada crime, drama & thriller film written and directed by Keshav Murthy starring Dileep Raj, Shilpa Manjunath, Madhusudhan Govind, Apoorva Bharadwaj, Prasanna Shetty & many more. The film is produced under the banner picture shop and native craft and music in the film is given by Prasad K Shetty.
Nimma Vasthugalige Neeve Javaabdaararu Genre
The genre of the film is crime, drama and thriller.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official teaser below:
Nimma Vasthugalige Neeve Javaabdaararu Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 3 Crore.
Nimma Vasthugalige Neeve Javaabdaararu Storyline
As of now specific details about its storyline have not been publicly disclosed but through the trailer and its title which means “You are responsible for your belongings”, is an attempt to understand the deep attachment people have towards material possessions. It shows how people hide their insecurities under things. Over time, this uncertainty comes to the fore and shows how complex the relationship between people and their things is.
As the release date is approaching, more information about the story can be revealed from the promotional material of the film.
Nimma Vasthugalige Neeve Javaabdaaru Box Office Collection
Made on a small budget of Rs 30 lakh, the entertaining crime thriller Nimma Vasthugalige Neeve Javaabdaaru took a good opening and grossed Rs 30 lakh on the first day. The film’s interesting story and thrilling moments were well received by the audience. The initial figures point to a strong opening for the film, but its future performance will depend on the audience’s response and how it compares to other films over the weekend.