Mom Tane Nai Samjay is a Gujarati family drama directed by Dharmessh Mehta & written by Radheshyam. The producer of the film is Chee Teng Joo. Actors performing in this film are Rashmi Desai, Amar Upadhyay, Virti Vahini, Hemang Dave, Tejas Vyas, Yadit Acharya & many more. The music in the film is given by Sachin-Jigar whereas lyrics are of Niren Bhatt and Humayun Makrani.
Mom Tane Nai Samjay Genre
The genre of the film is family drama.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official teaser below:
Mom Tane Nai Samjay Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 2 Crore.
Mom Tane Nai Samjay Storyline
The story revolves around London-based couple Aashka and Kunal. They strive to follow Indian traditions in raising their children. Aashka quits her job to take care of her family and focuses all her attention on her children Meera (aka Mary) and Kabir.
With time, Meera grows up and enters a modern life filled with parties and relationships, while Kabir dreams of becoming a successful businessman. Kunal, on the other hand, is busy with work and is unable to spend time with Aashka. This makes Aashka feel lonely and neglected. The situation gets worse when Aashka feels isolated in her family. Under pressure, she leaves home and spends time with the children who feel the lack of maternal love. She strives to create an atmosphere in her home where everyone feels loved and valued.
In Aashka’s absence, Kunal and the children slowly realise how important she is in their lives. They realise their mistakes, apologise to Aashka and try to get her back. After an intense conversation, they realise how valuable their mother’s love and support is. Eventually, the family learns to respect Aashka’s sacrifice and accepts her sacrifice wholeheartedly.
Mom Tane Nai Samjay box office collection
Made on a very low budget of Rs 2 Crore, the emotional family drama Mom Tane Nai Samjay collected Rs 20 lakh at the box office on the first day. Due to the film’s plot and emphasis on family values, it managed to attract a particular audience. Even though the initial box office revenue is a bit low, the film is expected to attract more audiences to the theatres this weekend as people love heartfelt family entertainment.