Mithiye is an upcoming Punjabi Family Drama directed by Harjeet Jassal & written by Surinder Singh starring Surinder Singh and Unique Muskan in the lead roles. The film is produced by Joginder Singh Rehal, Jyoti Kapoor and Surinder Singh films whereas the screenplay is done by Surendra Singh and Mandy Bhullar.
Mithiye Genre
The genre of the film is Family, Romantic & Thriller.
For a sneak peek, you can watch the official teaser here:
Mithiye Budget
The Estimated budget of the film is 4 Crore.
Mithiye Storyline
The story revolves around a village in Punjab in which the audience will get to see love, family relationships and adventure. Ranjha’s parents are killed by their enemies after which he is taken care of by Deepe’s mother. She raises him like her own son and when he grows up, she arranges his marriage with her daughter. After this, a big secret is revealed which shakes the whole family. This secret increases the suspense in the story even more.
Mithiye Box Office Collection Day 1
Made on a very low budget of 4 crore, this family drama had a slow start at the box office and grossed only 15 lakhs (estimated) on the first day. Despite the scope of the film and the narration of the story, the first day collections received a poor response from the audience. However, the film’s emotional story and its ability to attract audiences of all ages has the potential to do well over the weekend through word of mouth.