Lovedale is an upcoming Indian Malayalam Language Drama, thriller film. This film is written and Directed by Vinu Sridhar and produced by Reshma C.H under Amsterdam Movie International and the music of this movie has been given by Francis Sabu. In this movie you will get to see actors like Jaspreet Singh, Meenakshi Anish, Rama Shukla, Reshma V Renjith, Bagio George, Johan M Shaji, Vishu Sajeev, Nasar Ali, Benny & Manesh Kaitharam. The story of this movie revolves around a girl.
Cast Of Lovedale
Reshma Renjith
Rama Shukla
Jaspreet Kaur
Meenakshi Aneesh
Johan M Shaji
Vishnu Sajeev
Lovedale Budget
₹2 crore (estimated)
For a sneak peak, you can watch the official teaser here:
Lovedale Storyline
The story revolves around a girl named Isha who is an air hostess and model. She then goes to an iconic spot called Lovedale for a shoot with photographer Ruben. Things take a turn for the worse when they end up in a bungalow in a jungle far away and they are privy to a terrible danger.
Will they be able to escape the danger? And what is the danger that makes it difficult for them to escape, you will get to know this only after watching the movie.
When and where to watch
After watching the way the movie has been presented in the 2 minute 10 second trailer, the suspense that the movie has left behind makes one feel that there is something interesting in the movie.
Talking about the performance of the actors, all the actors have played their roles well. Now, how much it is able to reach the hearts of the audience, how much place it is able to make, it will be known only after its release. This movie is releasing in all theaters on 24 January 2025.