Kaju is an upcoming Marathi Family Drama directed by Roshan Babarao Dupare and produced by Samish Nathar, Bhubaneswar Pandit & Priya Dupare. The actors performing in this film are Amit Raut, Renuka Tapare, Shayuri Sarode, Sanjay Mate, Janardhan Rathod & many more. The music in the film is given by Samish Nathar. The movie revolves around a struggling father.
Kaju Genre
The genre of the film is Family Drama.
For a sneak peek, you can watch the official teaser here:
Kaju Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 4 Crore.
Kaju Storyline
The story revolves around a hardworking father, Kisan who loses his house and farm due to the burden of debt. He is forced to live in a small hut with his wife and daughter. Despite all the hardships, Kisan does not stop working hard. Then there comes a day when his daughter Saru is insulted by the village children. Saru expressed a desire to eat a simple thing – cashews. The story depicts the struggle of a farmer and his efforts to fulfill his daughter’s small wish.
Kaju Box Office Collection Day 1
Made on a very low budget of 4 crores, this family drama film earned 40 lakhs on the first day at the box office, which is considered a great start. The film earned 10% of its budget on the first day. The simple story and brilliant acting won the hearts of the audience. This strong start has raised hopes that the film will perform well in the coming days.