Felubakshi is an upcoming Bengali Thriller Film created and directed by Debraj Sinha. The actors performing in this film are Soham Chakraborty, Madhumita Sarcar, Porimoni, Shataf Figar & many more. The screenplay & dialogue is done by Dr. Krishnendu Chatterjee and produced by Sandeep Sarkar.
Felubakshi Cast-
Soham Chakraborty
Madhumita Sarcar
Pori Moni
Shataf Figar
Sumanta Mukherjee
Debnath Chatterjee
Felubakshi Genre
The genre of the film is Thriller.
Felubakshi Date of Release
The film is scheduled for release on January 17, 2025.
For a sneak peek, you can watch the official teaser here:
Felubakshi Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 4 crore.
Felubakshi Storyline
Soham Chakraborty will be seen playing the lead role of a modern and tech-savvy detective in the film. Bangladeshi actress Pori Moni is going to make her Tollywood debut through this film.
This film combines mysticism and romance and also presents the story of the characters in a special way. The story revolves around a detective named Felubakshi who uses modern technology to solve complex cases. The characters of Pori Moni and Madhumita Sarkar also play important roles in the story. It is clear from their characters that the story will feature complex relationships and many mysterious events.
As the release date is approaching, more information about the story can be revealed from the promotional material of the film. At present, Felubakshi wants to present a new kind of detective story to the audience in which mystery, romance and technical tricks have been skillfully combined.
Felubakshi Crew Members
Sudipta Majumdar & Soumyadipta Vicky Guin (DOP)
MD. Kalam (Editor)
Aditi Bose & Amlaan A Chakraborty (Music Director)
Savvy (BGM)
Amit Dey (Chief Assistant Director)
Tapan Seth (Art Director)
Aditi Bose (Creative Producer)
Sreejit Ayushman Sarkar (Associate Producer)
Mack (Choreographer)
Ayon Hore & Pallabi (Costume Designer)