Emergency is an upcoming Bollywood historical drama directed by Kangana Ranaut starring Kangana Ranaut, Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Milind Soman, Mahima Chaudhary & Vishak Nair in the lead roles. The film is produced by Kangana Ranaut, Renu Pitti, Umesh Kr Bansal & Manikarnika Films. The music in the film is given by G. V. Prakash Kumar whereas lyrics are of Manoj Muntashir.
Emergency Cast
Kangana Ranaut
Anupam Kher
Shreyas Talpade
Milind Soman
Mahima Chaudhary
Vishak Nair
Emergency Genre
The genre of the film is historical drama.
Emergency date of release
The film is scheduled for release on January 17, 2025.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official teaser below:
Emergency Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 70 Crore.
Emergency Storyline
As of now, specific details about its storyline have not been publicly disclosed but through various sources it is clear that the story revolves around “Emergency” which is based on real events of 1975. The plot reflects the events of the time when one of the most influential women in India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, was the Prime Minister of the country.
As the release date is approaching, more information about the story can be revealed from the promotional material of the film.
Other Crew Members
Ritesh Shah (Screenplay & Dialogues)
Tetsuo Nagata (Director of Photography)
Rameshwar S Bhagat (Editor)
Sheetal Sharma (Costume Designer)
Sunil Burman Rodrigues & Nick Powell (Action Director)
Akshat Ranaut (Associate Producer)
Samir Khurana (Executive Producer)