Beguru Colony is a Kannada crime drama written and directed by Flying King Manju. The film is produced under Srima Cinemas by M. Srinivas Babu. The star cast of the film includes Rajeev Hanu, Flying King Manju, Posani Krishna Murali and Pallavi Parva. The music in the film is given by Abhinandan Kashyap.
Beguru Colony Genre
The genre of the film is crime drama.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official teaser below:
Beguru Colony Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 5 Crore.
Beguru Colony Storyline
As of now, specific details about its storyline have not been publicly disclosed but through various sources it is clear that the story revolves around two best friends who try to turn a disputed area, which is in the news due to politics, into a playground. Their aim is to create a better future for the children of their colony.
As the release date is approaching, more information about the story can be revealed from the promotional material of the film.
Beguru Colony Box Office Collection
The crime drama Beguru Colony despite its gripping narrative and intense portrayal of crime and morality, the film struggled to draw in a larger audience right away. Let’s know about its first day earnings:
Day | Collected (in crores) |
Day 1 | 0.40 crore |
Day 2 | |
Day 3 | |
Day 4 | |
Day 5 | |
Day 6 | |
Total Collection | 0.40 crore |