Anpodu Kanmani is an Malayalam upcoming Indian Language Comedy, drama and Family film. This film is Directed by Liju Thomaz and Produced by Vipin Pavithran under the banner of Kreative Fish and the music of the movie has been given by Samuel Aby . In this movie you will get to see actors like Arjun Ashokan, Anagha Narayanan, Johny Antony, Navas Vallikkunnu, Althaf Salim.
Anpodu Kanmani Genre
The genre of the film is Comedy, drama and Family.
Cast Of Anpodu Kanmani
Arjun Ashokan
Anagha Narayanan
Johny Antony
Navas Vallikkunnu
Althaf Salim
Anpodu Kanmani Budget
₹ 2 Crore (estimated)
For a sneak peak, you can watch the official teaser here:
Anpodu Kanmani Storyline
Talking about the storyline of the film, this story revolves around a newly married couple. The story shows how the newly married couple tries to understand the expectations of society and traditional values. Along with comedy, many interesting things will be seen in this film and how personal desires and the rules of society sometimes clash. This film is a good combination of laughter and emotions about love, marriage and traditions, after watching this film the audience will be forced to think about these issues from a new and fun perspective. Now to know what happens in this film, you will have to watch the movie.
When and where to watch
This movie will be released in all theaters on 24 January 2025 .Talking about the performance of the actors, everyone has performed very well.