Unlock Raghava is an upcoming Kannada romantic comedy film directed by Deepak Madhuvanahalli. The film is produced by Manjunatha D and Girish Kumar. The film is written by D Satya Prakash. The star cast of the film includes Milind Gautham and Rachel who will be seen in the lead role. The music in the film is given by J Anoop Seelin whereas lyrics are of Vasuki Vaibhav.
Unlock Raghava Cast
Milind Manjunath
Rachel David
Bhoomi Shetty
Ramesh Bhatt
Unlock Raghava Genre
The genre of the film is romantic comedy.
Unlock Raghava date of release
The film is a scheduled for release on February 7, 2025.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official teaser below :
Unlock Raghava Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 3 Crore.
Unlock Raghava Storyline
As of now, specific details about its storyline have not been publicly disclosed but through various sources it is clear that the story revolves around Raghav who is so skilled that he can open any lock. This also shows his ability to solve life’s problems. Janaki works in the Archaeological Department. She is in search of the King’s precious ancient box in Chitradurga. During this time she meets Raghav and their friendship slowly turns into love. But when the ancient box is found, new problems arise in their life. This forms the main part of the story.
As the release date is approaching, more information about the story can be revealed from the promotional material of the film.
Other Crew Members
Lavith (DOP)
Ajay Kumar (Editor)
Ashwini and Abhirekha (Costume Designers)
Vinod & Arjun (Stunts)