Using a credit card can be a great way to make a fast purchase, but there can be an issue when it comes time to pay the balance. Impulse buys are often an issue that crops up. When the bill arrives, the total amount to be paid can be an unexpected and unwelcome number.
Reputable credit card companies do offer a grace period where no interest is due for a short length of time, but interest accrues if the entire balance is not paid by that date. There are ways to avoid paying interest on credit card purchases, and there are also ways to lessen the amount of interest paid.
Pay In Full
Using the grace period provided by the credit company is usually the easiest way to use a card without paying interest. Settling the debt immediately means no interest accrues, and this is what many people do. If the balance is more than expected, it may still be best to take money out of savings to pay in full. Avoiding expensive interest charges can be important when it comes to maintaining a budget or keeping costs within reason.
Balance Transfers
The competition between credit card companies has become a good tool for today’s consumers. Some companies offer to allow new or existing clients an opportunity to transfer their balance to a new account with no interest adding up for a specific length of time. Most of these offers do include a percentage for a transfer fee, but it is often less than the interest that would be charged on the existing card. Using balance transfers can be a good way to pay off credit debt over time without watching the balance grow due to interest charges.
A Personal Loan
When it comes to credit card interest, there may be few options available for transfers or paying in full. Experts like those at SoFi Invest often recommend shopping for less expensive credit options. One way to at least reduce interest would be to take out a personal loan. Knowing how to avoid interest on credit card is not quite the same as being able to accomplish the goal, and a personal loan could help. A lower interest rate would keep the total debt from growing as quickly, and it could save money over time.
Make Additional Payments
Debt can add up quickly, and the interest can become a burden if other options are not available. One way to pay less interest is to make additional payments on a regular basis. While the normal monthly payment may require a minimum amount, additional payments can be as little or large as a person can afford. The payments will take away from the total principal on the day they are credited, and that means no interest will be levied against that amount. It may be a slow process, but it will work over time.
Paying off debt is not generally easy, but there are ways to avoid or reduce interest. Taking the time to explore and understand them could be a good way to save money.