Teddy Bear is a horror, psychological, thriller film directed by Lokesh B starring Bhargav and Shylaja Simha in the lead roles. The film is produced by Jyothi Tarakesh, Bharath Kumar & Naveen Regati. The music in the film is given by Vivek Jungly.
Teddy Bear Genre
The genre of the film is horror, psychological & thriller.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official teaser below:
Teddy Bear Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 2 Crore.
Teddy Bear Storyline
As of now, specific details about its storyline have not been publicly disclosed but through the trailer it is clear that the story revolves around a quiet area, where a series of deadly murders has shaken the entire community. This mysterious killer especially targets newlyweds and young girls. The police are unable to arrest him and the death toll is increasing.
Teddy Bear Box Office Collection
Made on a shoestring budget of 2 crore, the psychological horror thriller had a slow start at the box office, grossing only 0.10 crore (estimated) on its first day. Despite the eerie atmosphere and interesting plot, the film failed to attract a large number of viewers. This could be due to limited marketing and stiff competition from other films. However, critics praised the film’s terrifying visuals and thought-provoking twists. It remains to be seen how the film is promoted to fans of the genre.