Sa La Te Sa La Na Te is an upcoming Marathi suspense drama directed and produced by Santosh Kolhe. Star cast of the film includes Richa Agnihotrii, Sainkeet Kamat, Chhaya Kadam, Upendra Limaye, Padmnabh Bind and Mangal Kenkre.
Sa La Te Sa La Na Te Cast
Richa Agnihotrii
Sainkeet Kamat
Chhaya Kadam
Upendra Limaye
Padmanabh Bind
Mangal Kenkre
Sa La Te Sa La Na Te genre
The genre of the film is suspense drama.
Sa La Te Sa La Na Te date of release
The film is scheduled for release on February 7, 2025.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official teaser below:
Sa La Te Sa La Na Te Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 2 Crore.
Sa La Te Sa La Na Te Storyline
As of now, specific details about its storyline have not been publicly disclosed but through various sources it is clear that the story is set against the backdrop of environmental exploitation in the ecologically fragile Tadoba Tiger Reserve, the film highlights the state of journalism. The film attempts to understand the impact of news for profit on the world and how it affects people’s relationships.
As the release date is approaching, more information about the story can be revealed from the promotional material of the film.
Other Crew Members
Santosh Kolhe (Story)
Shrikant Bojewar, Tejesh Ghadage and Santosh Kolhe (Screenplay)
Shrikant Bojewar (Dialogues)
Vinayak Jadhav (Cinematography)
Sachin Natekar (Compiler)