Let’s meet is an upcoming Hindi drama written and directed by Ricky Sandhu and produced by Pradeep Rangwani. The star cast of the film includes Tanuj Virwani, Suman Rana, Supriya Shailja and Litesh M. Pawar. The music in the film is given by Siddhaantt Mishra & Rohan whereas lyrics are of Siddhaantt Mishra & Naveen Tyagi.
Let’s meet Cast
Tanuj Virwani
Suman Rana
Supriya Shailja
Litesh M. Pawar
Let’s meet Genre
The genre of the film is drama.
Let’s meet date of release
The film is scheduled for release on February 7, 2025.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official teaser below:
Let’s meet budget
The estimated budget of the film is 4 Crore.
Let’s meet Storyline
Let’s Meet showcases the story of a chance encounter between TV actor Nikhil and Priya, who works in the finance sector. Priya is forced to take a leave from work, and during this time, a friend of hers asks her to create an account on a social networking site. Priya is initially reluctant, but gives in to the pressure of her friend and activates her account.
As she starts browsing the site, she receives a friendly message from Nikhil. Nikhil’s manner is polite and charming, which makes Priya feel comfortable talking to him. Their conversation slowly turns into friendship. Days pass by and they start understanding each other better.
However, Nikhil’s curiosity gets the better of him, and he ends up doing something that makes Priya uncomfortable. Seeing this, she distances herself from him and stops responding to his messages. Now the question is, will Nikhil be able to correct his mistake and will Priya give him a second chance?
Let’s meet Crew Members
The story, direction of photography (DOP), and creative production of the project are handled by Anil B. Akki (WICA). The associate director is Niraj Gupta, while the editing is done by Anshul R. Gupta. The choreography is directed by Pradeep Panchal.