Choran Naal Yarian is a Punjabi comedy drama directed by Naseeb Randhawa and Gurudial Singh Sidhu. The writer of the film is Rishi Malhi. Many veteran actors like Arya Babbar, Manreet Sran, Prabh Grewal, Malkit Rauni, Gurpreet Bhangu & Roop Khatkar will be seen in this film.The film is produced by Gurudial Singh Sidhu. The music in the film is given by Gurmeet Singh and G skillz whereas lyrics are of Rishi Malhi and Beant Sandhu.
Choran Naal Yarian Genre
The genre of the film is a comedy drama.
For a visual glimpse into the film, you can watch the official teaser below:
Choran Naal Yarian Budget
The estimated budget of the film is 4 Crore.
Choran Naal Yarian Storyline
Manmeet is a carefree young man who lives with his sister Rani and her family. He keeps avoiding family obligations and his friendship with Sam’s teacher Mehak slowly turns into romance. But his life becomes difficult when his brother-in-law Bikram suspects Hina of having an affair with his secretary. In order to save his sister’s marriage from failing, Manmeet gets into many problems which create tension in his relationship. However, when the time comes for Rani’s child to be born, Manmeet proves his dedication and responsibility. He bridges the gap between the family and eventually the truth comes out and the misunderstandings end after which Manmeet starts getting love and respect from the family.
Box office collection day 1
The film collected 0.25 Crore (estimated) India net worth on its 1st day.
Box office collection day 2
The film collected 0.32 Crore (estimated) India net worth on its 2nd day.
Total Box Office Collection
The film collected 0.57 Crore (estimated) India net worth.