“Next Chapter” is an upcoming film that delves into a significant social issue, produced under the banner of IRA Films & Entertainment. The film is spearheaded by Shailesh Pratap Singh, with Jayshree Shashank Singh and Abhirram Prratham as co-producers. Additionally, Shree Cine Visions and Awadh Motion Pictures are associated with this project. The film has been jointly directed by Narpat Singh Ranawat and Shashank Singh.
The performance of Ulka Gupta stands out and is highly commendable, while Javed Pathan and Arham Abbasi have brought the story to life with their stellar acting. The cinematography by Gopi Krishna showcases exceptional talent, capturing every detail brilliantly. The music, composed by Brijesh Pandit, is further elevated by the melodious voice of Somi, adding a captivating charm to the film’s songs.
The post-production phase of the film has already begun, and it is scheduled for release in Feb 2025. Packed with elements of mystery and thrilling twists, the screenplay and dialogues are skillfully written by Abhirram Prratham and Shashank Singh.
“Next Chapter” promises to be a masterpiece that will leave audiences deeply moved and on the edge of their seats.